Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Funny Tales from Muslim Authors - The Lover of Brevity

A grammarian and a man accompanied each other in a journey; the grammarian fell ill. The man made his mind to come back to his country; and the grammarian intended to let him carry a letter to his family. So he said to him, "Tell my family, 'he has received pain in his head, has been afflicted with tooth-ache, and has suffered from low breathing. His hands have become weak, feet have been swollen, eyes become fixed and knees have got loosened. He has received pain in his back, beatings in his chest, emaciation in his spleen breach in his joints, palpitation in his heart, pain in his spine, water in his eyes, pain (wind) in his shanks, remission in his lower jaw, throbbing in his temples, essation in his pulses due to constant fainting, so he has become speechless."

The man said, "O my master! Sheikh, I do not want to lengthen the speech but I would say to them, "He has died and good bye."

Funny Tale from Muslim Authors - Abu Dulmah And Ibn Sulayman in Hunting

IT is related that Abu Bulamah (A negro who, as Court Jester, enjoyed the favor of the Abbasid Caliphs Al-Faffah, Al-Mansur, and Al-Mahdi (Third Abbasid Caliph) was displeased with Ali ibn Sulayman. So it happened that Mahdi went out for hunting and with him were Ali and Abu Dulamah. Mehdi threw an arrow at a deer which appeared to him, and pierced through its neck. Ali, who was also with the Caliph on hunting also spotted an animal and threw his arrow and killed that animal. On coming close to that animal it was found that the animal hunted by Ali was just a dog (Dogs are haram i.e. not permissible to be eaten by Muslims). On seeing this, Abu Dulamah extemposrised:-

Al-Mahdi shot an arrow at a deer and transpierced its heart with the arrlow.

And Ali ibn Sulayman Short a dog and hunt it.

Good with for both of them, every person will eat his own provisions.

On hearing his the Mehdi laughed so much that he was about to fall down.

This means that deer is for the Caliph who hunted it, which is delicious meal and halal (permissible to be eaten) in Islam, while Ali who has hunted dog could not eat it as it not permissible to be taken as food. hahaha.....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Humor In Islam - What is Permissible and What is Prohibited.

Humor In Islam - What is Permissible and What is Prohibited.

Humor in Islam

Islam is a complete code of life, which covers each and every sphere of human life. Humor is also a part of disposition of a human being and it is impossible to believe that life of holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) may not have covered this very important aspect of life.Though, the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) disapproved the excessive laughing but the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to smile and express humorous feelings. Following are some Ahadiths which cover this particular aspect of the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him).

The Holy Prophet (May peace be upon him) said, “The man who narrates something to make other laugh will be hurled to hell.”

However, such respected scholars of the religion forget this hadith which states:-

“One who tells a lie to make others laugh will be hurled to hell.”

The combined reading of the above two ahadith makes it abundantly clear that though the humor is not prohibited in Islam, however, making false statement for the purpose of making others laugh is strictly prohibited. While discussing the disposition of the Holy Prophet (SAW) his companions (raziyallaho anho) says that his light discussion used to adorn worried faces with pleasant smiles. His delightful discussion makes the congregations pleasant and charming. There are many instances of his enchanting disposition, some of which are as under:-

Humor in Islam

Hadith 5:-

Hazrat Ans was the servant of Holy Prophet (SAW) and always used to give all ears to the sayings of Holy Prophet (SAW). One day the Holy Prophet (SAW) called him with delightful disposition, “O man of ears.”

Hadith 6:-

Hazrat Zahir (R.A.) was a Negro Desert Arab companion, who off and on present before the Holy Prophet (SAW)  and used to gift some Metal products to Holy Prophet (SAW). One day Hazrat Zahir (R.A.) was selling his products in the market and by chance Holy Prophet (SAW) also visited the market. Holy Prophet (SAW) silently came close to him and suddenly grasped his neck in his powerful hands and said, “Is there anyone who may want to buy this slave.” Hazrat Zahir started laughing and said, “You will get very little price for this Negro slave (or said” My buyer would be in deficit.” On hearing this the Holy Prophet (SAW) also started laughing and said, “No, only Allah knows how precious you are.” (or in other words, “Your price is too high in the eyes of Allah.”)

Humor in Islam

Hadith 7:-

Once a companion present and following discussion took place between them:-

Companion:      O Prophet of Allah! I have ruined myself.
Holy Prophet (SAW): What has happened to you?
Companion:      I indulged in intercourse with my wife in the state of fasting (which is forbidden).

Holy Prophet (SAW): You have to free a slave.
Companion:      I am very poor and have no slave.
Holy Prophet (SAW): You have to observe fasting for two month.
Companion:      I cannot do this because I am feeble.
Holy Prophet (SAW):   You have to serve with food sixty needy people.
Companion:      I am a poor fellow and cannot do this.

In the meanwhile, a basket of dates was presented before the Holy Prophet (SAW). Then Holy Prophet (SAW) said to him, “Take this basket of dates and distribute the dates among needy.” The companion said, “By God, you will not find a poorer than I in the whole city of Madina.” On this the Holy Prophet (SAW) spontaneously started laughing and said, “O.K you may take these dates for your own consumption.”

Humor In Islam - Sayings of Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him)

Hadith 8:-

In a gathering the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “A man in heaven expresses his wish to harvest. He was told that his wish is fulfilled. He said that I want that the crop shall ripe as soon as the seed is sowed. This wish of this heavenly man was also acceded to. He sowed the seeds and crop gets ready for harvest at once.” On hearing this a Desert Arab said, “O! Prophet of Allah, this facet relates to a Quresh or Ansar because they are fond of harvest. We people have no charm in this sort of work.” On hearing this all the companions as well as the Holy Prophet (SAW) started smiling.

Hadith 9:-

A woman attended the Holy Prophet (SAW) and requested for prayer for the recovery of his husband’s health who was suffering from some sort of disease. The Holy Prophet (SAW)  said, “Is your husband is the man who has whiteness in his eyes?” The lady get surprised and went home and started checking her husband’s eyes. Her husband asked, “What are you doing?” She replied that the Holy Prophet (SAW)  said that you have whiteness in your eyes. On hearing this the husband started laughing and asked, “Is there any human on earth who does not has whiteness in his eyes?” Then the lady understood the witty disposition of the Holy Prophet (SAW) whose purpose was to bring a smile on the face of her sick husband.

Humon in Islam

Hadith 10

Once some companions along with Holy Prophet (SAW)  were eating dates. Hazrat Sohaib was also one of the said companions whose eye was swelled. The Holy Prophet (SAW)  seeing him said, “All praises are for Allah. Your eye is swelled and you are eating sweet.” Hazrat Sohaib answered, “I am eating sweet for the eye which is not swelled.”

Hadith 11

Once Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed came to the Holy Prophet (SAW) along with little girl “Ume Khalid). Little Ume Khalid was dressed with red colored frock. The Holy Prophet (SAW)  while addressing the little Ume Khalid said, “Sana Sana.”

Ume Khalid was born in Habsha and Habshi language Sana meant for elegant. So in this context the Holy Prophet (SAW) made the little girl joyful by praising her dress in the language, which she knew well.

Humor in Islam

Hadith 12

Hazrat Umer Bin Khattab said, “I must say something before the Holy Prophet (SAW) which make him laugh.” So he went to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and said, “If my wife Binte Zaid will demand maintenance, I will break her neck.” On hearing this the Holy Prophet (SAW)  started laughing.

Hadith 13

Asma, daughter of Yazid said, “Victuals were brought to Muhammad, and he put them before some of us women who were present, and said, “Eat ye.” But notwithstanding we were hungry we said, “We have no inclination.” Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, “O women! Do not mix hunger with lies.”

Our Holy Prophet (SAW) used to smile to such an extent that his teeth got exposed. Though laughing frequently is disliked because, “excessive laugh makes the hearts lifeless.”

Humor in Islam

Our Holy Prophet (SAW) used to smile to such an extent that his pre-molar teeth became visible. Nonetheless, laughing frequently is disliked because, “excessive laugh makes the hearts lifeless.”

The above ahadiths make it abundantly clearly that the Holy Prophet (SAW) liked humor very much. Similarly, his companions and other sages of the Islam liked human as it evident from the following quotes:-

Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib says, “Keep your hearts pleasant and seek some share of knowledge for it because hearts get tired just as body gets tired.”

Hazrat Zahri states that a men used to sit in the company of the companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW). When companions narrated him sayings of prophet and he got tired of it, then he said to them, “Ears get loosened and like to hear interesting things. So now we should start humorous and poetic literature.”

Humor in Islam

Hazrat Abu Darada says, “I amuse my heart with permissible games because it is not acceptable for me that the heart feels fatigued on compassing righteous things.”

 Hazrat Muhammad Bin Ishaq states that Ibne Abbas when seated among his comrades, discussed with them religious matters and on the next moment says, “Narrate some interesting things.” And then he started narrating fairy tales of Arabian Knights. Thereafter he again started to discuss religious matters. He used to do this again and again.

Abne Ishaq says, “Hazrat Zahri used to narrate ahadith (sayings of profit) and when got tired, asked others to present their humor, poetry and got busy in events which made them fresh.”

Abne Jozi says that sages and scholars always like and get attractive of interesting things because it makes our mind relaxed and vanish the worries of heart.

Humor in Islam

Someone discussed about a man before Abdullah Ibne Ayesha that he always kept busy in hard work. Ibne Ayesh said, “He has narrowed the meadow on him and lessened his wisdom. If he freed his disposition to jumble up from one state to another, then the knot of narrowness should have been untied and he returned to his hard work with healthy and happy mind.”

Asmai states that Haroon Rashid said, “curious and astounding gossips sharpens the minds and make the ears pleasant.”

Hamad Bin Salma states that Haroon Rashid said, “Witty substances are liked by only those who have manliness and those who have feminine attributes dislike such like subjects.”

It is also clear from above that companions of Holy Prophet (SAW) and other sages and scholars of Islam consider it quite right to please the hearts with witty and humorous topics so that the hearts could easily bear the burden of reality of life.

Humor in Islam

A very attentive and prudent but poor man in the days of starvation was going towards city when he saw a man going in front of him riding his camel. This fool desert Arab was carrying one bag on each side of the camel. When they met, following conversation took place between them:-

Prudent man: Is it wheat in two bags?”.

Desert Arab: No, one bag is of wheat and the second one is full of sand.

Prudent man: Why you overburdened your camel by keeping sand on it.

Desert Arab: This is done to keep the balance.

Prudent man:    Why you don’t divide the wheat into two bags and throw away the sand. In this way the burden on your camel will be reduced.

Desert Arab did so and he was quite happy and surprised to see that the advice of the prudent man was quite handy. So he asked, “You must be a rich man. How much wealth you have?” The prudent man said, “I have no money at all rather I am starving and going to the city for begging.” On hearing this the Desert Arab got down of his camel, filled the second bag with sand again, loaded on his camel and asked the prudent man to keep away from him so that to be protected from the bad luck with which the said prudent was cursed.

Humor In Islam - In the light of Sayings of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

Hazrat Hassan Basri states, “When the Allah Taala created the Adam, He brought out from his right hand the heavenly souls and from his left hand the cursed souls and they all started crawling on earth. Among them were blinds, deaf and disaster victims. After seeing this, Adam said to the God, "Have You not created all my offspring equal?" The Almighty replied, "O! Adam, I want them to be grateful to Me(which is not possible if they are created equal to each other). So after hearing the conditions of fools the intelligent people are bound to be thankful to the Almighty. Secondly, after reading the circumstances of stupid the intelligentsia awake up and struggle to protect him from the ignorance. Thirdly, tales of fools make humans amused, pleased and lightened their hearts.